Using the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
(How to Use the K-Button)

1. To view TSK cross-referencing on any passage of Scripture, first go to that portion of Scripture in the Blue Letter Bible (the easiest means to this end is to search out the verse from our home page).

2. Once on the page with the desired passage, you will notice that each verse of Scripture is prefaced by an assortment of buttons (generally , , , , , and/or ). The button will bring up cross-referencing information from the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (hence the "K" for "knowledge"). Click on the button as illustrated below.

3. This will pop up a window with a table of verse references (see illustration). Each individual portion of this page will be explained in the points that follow.

4. In the first section of the table, there stands the same verse reference (that from which you came) followed immediately by the verse in its entirety. This highlighted reference is likewise linked back to that portion of Scripture in the Blue Letter Bible.

5. The second portion of the table begins with a single number. This non-highlighted number refers merely to the verse number of the chosen chapter (in this case, the "1" represents that the following information relates to the first verse of Genesis one — the chosen chapter).

6. Immediately succeeding the non-highlighted number are cross-references relating to various portions of the selected verse. In the below example, the portions cross-referenced are the phrases following "without" (this would include "without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep") and "Spirit" (and this would include "Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters"). All the verse references following these words ("without" and "Spirit") are linked directly to those portions of Scripture in the Blue Letter Bible and are also found in order of appearance following the TSK table.

7. One of the questions about TSK that we are most often asked is about the non-linked numbers that sometimes occur in the midst of the cross-referencing. This is really an idiosyncracy unique to the process we have used to encode hypertext links into our TSK information. When our program comes across a hyphenated verse reference, it will only highlight the first verse of the hyphenated pair. In the example below, the reference is "Isa 40:12-14," but the only portion to be linked is the Isa 40:12 portion. Hopefully this will not be a great detriment to your use of the TSK tool.

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