Donald Smith — Audio / Video Commentaries

Pastor Don Smith has served in full-time ministry for over forty years. He is a graduate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and was a student in the Talbot and Trinity Doctor of Ministry programs. Don was the senior pastor of Christ Community Church in Laguna Hills, California for twenty-five years. Currently he directs Barnabas Brothers, a training, teaching and mentoring ministry for pastors and church leaders in China, Philippines, Haiti, South America and California. He writes Bible study and doctrinal materials specially tailored to expand the level of pastors level of education. He also enjoys the opportunity of teaching regularly at Reverence Bible Church in Mission Viejo, California.

Barnabas Brothers was born out of the need of one of the most neglected segment of evangelical Christianity: pastors. They need to be encouraged in order to continue in their ministries.

Hermanos Bernabé nació de la necesidad de uno de los segmentos del Cristianismo evangélico que menos cuidado recibe: los pastores. Ellos necesitan ser animados para que continúen en el ministerio.

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